European Development Days 2013

November 26, 2013 > November 27, 2013, Bruxelles

On the occasion of EDD 2013 which took place in Brussels on 26 and 27 November, Ferdi has organized two important events.

European Development Days (EDD) is Europe's premier forum on development cooperation committed to eradicating poverty and ensuring a sustainable development. They are providing an exceptional opportunity for international organisations, business, political, academic and civil society leaders to shape a new development agenda.

On the occasion of EDD 2013 which took place in Brussels on 26 and 27 November, FERDI has organized two important events:

- P Labs : Vulnerable countries in the post-2015 framework - Combining universality of scope with differing realities

- Auditorium Panel : Financing beyond ODA - How better mobilise all resources for development financing?




On the EDD web site :


Vulnerable countries in the post-2015 framework
Combining universality of scope with differing realities 

Wednesday 27 November, 9h15 - 10h30

It appears likely that the post-2015 development agenda will be conceived with a universal perspective.
This orientation should not overlook specific needs of the most vulnerable poor countries, in particular Least Developed Countries (LDCs). To ensure its legitimacy and its coherence, the post-2015 framework must also build on the real situations of these countries.

Ahead of the 2014 debate on financing for development, it seems important to discuss the implications of a universal perspective for vulnerable countries. While building a universal development agenda is broadened to global issues, it is appropriate to debate on how specific features of LDCs and other vulnerable countries could be taken into account in future goals, targets and indicators, as well as for the allocation of resources.

Speakers :
Arancha Gonzalez, Executive Director of the International Trade Centre (ITC) : "Statement at the session ‘Vulnerable Countries in the post-2015 Framework"




Serge Tomasi, Deputy-Director OECD Development Co-operation Directorate

"Universalité/vulnérabilité : quel impact sur l’allocation de l’aide ?" (présentation power point)

Demain, l’aide … ?


Tertius Zongo, Former Prime Minister of Burkina Faso, Senior Fellow at Ferdi




The session was moderated by Patrick Guillaumont, President of the Ferdi.




On the European Development Days' website :

Auditorium Panel

Financing beyond ODA
How better mobilise all resources for development financing? 

Wednesday 27 November, 14h00 - 15h30
Co-organized with the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, JICA and CONCORD




The diversification of global challenges and development actors has led to a sharing of responsibilities between the various stakeholders carrying development cooperation activities and to the emergence of new partnerships and funding mechanisms.
The international community is therefore bound to conceive new collective, coherent and efficient responses to global challenges, including adequate funding strategies through innovative or traditional solutions.
Beyond the question of financial volumes, the question of the new and particular roles that international public resources can play depending of local contexts is growingly asked. Even if the importance of ODA cannot be underestimated, public administration-led actions alone will not be enough to provide appropriate answers. It must be reoriented to maximise and leverage its impact and, when this is possible or necessary, readapted to serve as a catalyst to mobilise all resources supportive of economic and social development.

The current redefinition of the development agenda after 2015, with economic, social and environmental sustainability being at its core, will materialise only if accompanied by a realistic, sustainable funding system and a renewed approach. This implies a more inclusive understanding of financing sources that goes beyond development assistance and is coherent with the reflexions initiated in the international and European fora.

Speakers :
- Keynote by Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Development at the European Commission
- Pascal Canfin, Minister for Development Cooperation, France
- Olivier Consolo, CONCORD Director
- Hiroshi Kato, Vice-Président of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency
- Aminata Niane, Lead Advisor-Office of the Vice-President Infrastructure, Private Sector and Regional Integration at African Development Bank
- Erik Solheim, OECD-DAC Chair
- Tertius Zongo, former Prime Minister of Burkina Faso, Senior Fellow  Ferdi

This session was moderated by Jean-Michel Severino, Senior Fellow at FERDI and Chief Executive Officer of Investors & Partners.





On the European Development Days' website :

Participant Journées européennes du développement, 26-27 nov. 2013, Bruxelles –
Participant Journées européennes du développement, 26-27 nov. 2013, Bruxelles –
Participant Journées européennes du développement, 26-27 nov. 2013, Bruxelles –
Participant Journées européennes du développement, 26-27 nov. 2013, Bruxelle –