What vulnerability indicators to use for aid allocation?

June 26, 2018 > July 16, 2018, Banjul, Bissau, Djouba, N’Djamena, Antananarivo

Five seminars organized with the African Development Bank (AfDB) to improve FERDI's proposals.

In each country -Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Southern Sudan, Chad and Madagascar- a seminar was organized to test the relevance of the indicators that FERDI is developing in collaboration with the AfDB.

The indicators proposed by FERDI aim to reflect structural economic vulnerability, physical vulnerability to climate change, and structural socio-political vulnerability.

As part of a dialogue and appropriation process, many high-level national experts participated to these seminars. They were about 40 participants in Ndjamena and more than 80 in Antananarivo on 16 July 2018.

Laurent Wagner represented FERDI at each of these seminars and Patrick Guillaumont spoke in Ndjamena and Antananarivo.

The African Development Bank was represented by Jorge de la Peza in Guinea Bissau and Gambia and by Troels Sorensen in Southern Sudan.